Every Friday we have Fun Friday. We incorporate a craft into our afternoon that sums up what we discussed during the week. Students are only allowed to participate in Fun Friday if they have kept three or more of their behavior surfboards. Fun Friday is a reward for the students who completed all their work and managed their behavior throughout the week. The students that are no allowed to participate are given workbooks. Fun Friday can be pricey so I look for ideas that I can get the most bang for my buck. This usually involves a trip to the grocery store or Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree is my favorite place in the world besides Starbucks. This Friday we made Abe Lincoln's log cabin out of pretzels. I saw it on Pinterest of course and the kids loved it. I paid $4.00 for both bags of pretzels and that was enough for 20 students with a half a bag left over. The students thought it was cool that they got to use their teeth as a saw and were able to eat the left over pretzels they didn't need to complete their cabin.
This student choose to lay out all of his pretzels first, trace it with a pencil, and then glue them on. |
This was the one I made last night to show them as an example.
This one turned out better than mine. |
This little girl wanted to keep her cabin small so that she would have more pretzels left over to eat.
This is a picture of my calm down station for my students who need a minute to collect themselves after getting upset or somewhere to think about their behavior. I keep a gallon sized Ziploc baggie filled with hair gel for those who may need something soothing to feel. I keep my weighted stuffed snake (got it for autistic children but works just as well for children not diagnosed) for students to place around their shoulders. I also keep a snowglobe over there. When I place the child there I flip the snowglobe over and explain they are allowed to rejoin the group once all of the snow has collected at the bottom.
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